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Digital art



Logo Design:



Project description

IN this project, I used adobe illustrator and a pen pad to draw out this logo and write my signature. 


1. trace the wings with the brush tool and a pen pad in illustrator

2. Write the signature with the pen tool. this took forever to get right

3. the flames. I ran into some problems here, I didn't know how to do a fill, in illustrator. it took quite a few tries to get. 

4. Apply it to a piece of clothing. I placed it on the back of a hoodie, then on the front and back of a t-shirt

5. Critique. The purpose of a critique is to help the artist/audience understand, improve and or evaluate a piece of art

Project Reflection


I chose this project because it looked fun and like a good use of my skills. the experience was my favorite project of the year. There were very few requirements and a lot of freedom. We could pretty much do whatever we wanted without risk. only fun. This could be a useful skill anytime in my future. I can put it on my resume that I have some logo design experience, as we all I enjoy creating in illustrator. 

Flash Animation:


Project Description


I for this project I created the cool little basketball animation shown above in Adobe Flash.


1. draw everything in

2. start moving. I started with the basketball bounce. I started doing frame by frame, then made some motion tweens

3. camera movement. this was the hardest, because I had to actualy move the stuff, I couldn't just move the camera angle

4. critique.  The purpose of a critique is to help the artist/audience understand, improve and or evaluate a piece of art

Project Reflection


I chose this project because it looked fun and like a good thing to learn. The experience was my favorite project of the year. There were very few requirements and a lot of freedom. We could pretty much do whatever we wanted without risk. only fun. This could be a useful skill anytime in my future. I can put it on my resume that I can animate in flash. plus I want to have a career in film, so this would be a good skill to know for whatever I end up doing.



Project Reflection


The Image you see is the thing I photoshopped from a couple of Pictures that Roxy gave us.

We were asked a couple of questions, to define scale, proportion, and the characteristics of foreground, middleground, and background. 

Proportion is the idea of size in relation to others. scale is its size in general. And foreground, middle ground, and background is scall in relation to an object placed in an image or painting. it is also how clear they are, and other things that show the distance from a certain point (the lens in photography).


Photoshop Tutorials


Tutorial 1


cOoL bOi.jpg
cOoL bOi with neon bluegreen hair.jpg

Original Image


Hair Color Change


The image you see on the left is an image that I found on the internet that I decided to fiddle with. I first made another layer in Photoshop, then set its blend mode to soft light. The I picked to the color I wanted his hair to be, then where the hair was I used the brush tool with a very minimal hardness to go over the hair and make it blue. Very simple, but I spent way to long on it, it's not ok.

Tutorial 2


cOoL bOi with neon bluegreen hair.jpg
cOoL bOi with neon bluegreen hair and pu

Eye Color Change


Original Image


This change is a little more subtle. I took the Cool Boi that I photoshopped above, and I decided to change his eye color as well as his hair color. Again a simple tutorial, I zoomed in on the guy's eyes, and took the pen tool and wet around them. I then right clicked and selected "make selection". I then had one eye selected. I then hit Ctrl+U to pull up the hue and saturation menu, then turned the hue to a purpley blue, then turned the saturation up, then did the same to the other eye. Again simple and too much time spent.

Art History: Art as communication


Wolf Body.jpg

Original Drawing



AI Trace



Final Painting on Cave


Project Reflection
  1. Do you feel that you met or approached the project rationale? Use evidence explaining why or why not.

    1. I feel that I have met the project rationale I think that I sort of understand the and parreciate art as communication and to tell stories and I totally understand how it would promote the understanding of our world.I feel that I couldn't really take in all the information, I couldn’t really think about what was going on and internalize it.

  2. What is considered art?

    1. Art art is the recognition and abstract representation of the world around us. This was true for cavemen and it is still true today. The early humans made art on cave walls and in settlements, representing the world around them and telling stories. W still make art to represent our world and tell stories.

  3. How does context affect works of art?

    1. Context and time period effects what art is commonly accepted and what most people like. The context under which you see the art and your personal opinion can tell whether or not you like the art.

  4. Why would context matter when interpreting art?

    1. COntext matters when you are interpreting art, because, like in pop art, during that time period (context) many people rejected it and hated on it, but now, more people like it. Some people still reject it and hate on it, but the way we view it is different,because our time period (context) is different.

Letter Portrait


Letter Portrait Refined.jpg
Project Description

In this project, we took pictures of things occurring in the world that resembled letters in our name, then used photoshop to put them all together and unify them with a specific color scheme or size and balance them. While most people chose to do black and white, with a black frame and white background, I chose to do something outside the box. I used a patterned background and frame and made everything shades of green.

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